
The Small Plates of Manchester


January 2016

1 Nephi 5: Family Reunion

1 Nephi 5 tweet: Sh complains against Lh & is comforted. Family reunited. Lh reads plates and prophesies about his seed. Plates will not perish nor dim.

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1 Nephi 4: Slaying Goliath

I’m adding a new element to each post. At the beginning of each chapter review I’m going to add a 140 character summary of the chapter. I’ll go back and add summaries for 1 Nephi 1–3. Feel free to add your own ‘tweetable’ chapter summaries in the comments. (I’m also adding a 2 or 3 word chapter title).

1 Nephi 4 tweet: N struggles, cuts off Lb’s head. N pretends 2B Lb & gets plates from Z. L,L&S are scared of N (dressed as Lb). So is Z. Oaths by and 4 all.

Continue reading “1 Nephi 4: Slaying Goliath”

1 Nephi 3: Two Strikes

1 Nephi 3 tweet: N: I will go and do. Lots cast. Lb angry with L. Au + Ag for plates? Lb steals Au + Ag. L&L beat N&S. Angel appears. L&L murmur. Again.

Continue reading “1 Nephi 3: Two Strikes”

1 Nephi 2: Rock and River

1 Nephi 2 tweet: Lh & family flee 4 wilderness. River Lam, Valley Lem. L&L murmur, N prays and believes. Promise: keep commands & prosper, rebel & B cut off.

Continue reading “1 Nephi 2: Rock and River”

1 Nephi 1: Goodly Beginnings

1 Nephi 1 tweet: Lh preaches repentance & sees visions. Reads book, prophesies destruction of Jrsm & coming of Messiah. Jews mock Lh and seek his life.

Continue reading “1 Nephi 1: Goodly Beginnings”

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